Tuesday, April 13, 2010

my first post

I have lived far away from my family and many friends for almost 8 years now and it seem so hard to believe. I miss seeing the people I love so much everyday and sharing with them the joys and trials of life, family and new experiences. I have enjoyed reading blogs of some of those people and it has helped me feel like I am still there. I thought I would give into the peer pressure and start a blog too. I don't know how good I am going to be at this but I think it could be fun.
I know EVERYONE feels this way about their family but I will say I have the BEST family a girl could want! I mean come on, how many of you have a husband who would not only surprise you with Taylor Swift tickets but also go and sit through a concert with 11 year old girls behind him singing every single word to every single song as loud as they could right in his ear. I"ll tell you who.... I DO! In addition to having one of the best husbands in the world, I have the most adorable little boy EVER! Keeton is two and I think he is the smartest and most handsome little man out there! I know you are thinking "Wow, Kim is a lucky girl! I wish I had that!" But there is more. As I am about to brag about my beautiful blue eyed daughter Mia, she is screaming her head off in her room and it is 10:15pm and she is STILL not asleep! But we will pretend that isn't happening because that is what us parents do when we are about to brag about our children, is forget about the times that you could scream! So anyway, Mia! Mia is our four month old blue eyed diva! When I say Diva I mean DIVA! She is going to be a girl who knows what she wants and won't accept anything less! Now tell me what else you could want in a daughter but one who is going to go out in the world and not take any crap from anyone! So all that to say I think I am a pretty blessed gal and I love my family, all the good the bad and the ugly!


Grad85 said...

This is great Kim! Something I always wanted to do for the entire Vargas clan. I am excited that I will get to keep up with the kiddos. Can't wait to meet Mia!! Kisses and Hugs to all!